Comedy Sketch – Other Paul

Here’s a short comedy sketch I wrote, animated by the other half of The Brothers McLeod, Greg. Voices by me and the marvellous Susan Husband.

Percy’s Tiger Tales Specials

Percy's Tiger Tales

I wrote 19 episodes of this show a few years back as well as helping to develop the show and write the animation bible. Now there are four new 25 minute specials in the works and I’m writing two of them.

Webby Award

Webby 2009

My brother an I were part of the team that won a Webby in the Web – Youth category in 2009. The Brothers McLeod wrote, animated and directed the five Art Sparks films for the Tate. The films were aimed at children and featured five modern works of art. Tate Kids Editor was Sharna Jackson.

Tilly and Friends series writer

Tilly and Friends

I wrote four episodes of Tilly and Friends (Jam Media / Cbeebies). Based on the books by Polly Dunbar. My episodes were Doodle Wants to Play, Hector Wants to Win, Hector Learns to Juggle and Pru and the Bangle.

Pedro and Frankensheep Development

Pedro and Frankensheep

Pedro and Frankensheep was a show concept created by Producer Phil Cooper. Designed and Directed by my brother Greg McLeod. I worked to further define the character personalities, wrote the pilot script and a further nine scripts. I wrote and performed the songs for the show. I also voiced some of the characters, including Frankensheep […]

Octonauts Series Writer


I wrote ‘Remipedes’ for series one of Octonauts. I have a degree in Zoology so this was a great opportunity.

SpongeBob PlayStation Writer


I was engaged to write dialogue for this official SpongeBob SquarePants game. I wrote over 4,000 lines of dialogue for SpongeBob, Patrick, Plankton and the other characters. It was produced by Blitz Games and released on PlayStation and Nintendo Wii.

Phone Home on Channel 4

Phone Home

This was a short film I wrote for Random Acts. Voices by Greg McHugh and Lucy Montgomery. Designed by Greg McLeod. Directed by The Brothers McLeod. Screened on Channel 4. Staff Picks on Vimeo. Watch it here.