Percy’s Tiger Tales series bible

Percy's Tiger Tales

I wrote the series bible for this show for Fabrique D’Images in Luxembourg. I also wrote the pilot script and a further 18 of the 52 series episodes.

Mouse Mansion adaptation

Mouse Mansion. Sam and Julia

Adapting the Mouse Mansion books by Karina Schaapman for TV. Developing the world and characters. Writing the TV Bible. Writing 3 x 22′ specials.

DreamWorks Noddy developed by Myles McLeod

noddy toyland detective

Myles co-developed Noddy Toyland Detective with producer Heath Kenny for DreamWorks. Myles helped to define the world, and created a number of new characters including Deltoid, Smartysaurus, Fuse, Pat-Pat and the Pockets, and The Naughticorns. Myles also wrote the pilot script, and five further scripts for series one.

Pilot episode for Millie and Lou

Millie and Lou Blue Zoo

Evgenia Golubeva and I worked on the pilot script for this charming preschool animation show for Blue Zoo Productions Ltd. Created by the splendid duo Rory Cooke and Mandy Wong.